Saturday, 24 September 2011

My first (proper) blog entry

The realisation of how much work the first semester of my Uni degree will actually involve has set in, even after only reading chapter 1 of McNae's and making notes on the majority of it.  Obviously I knew that the course wouldn't be all fun and games, but just thinking about the next few weeks’ workload makes my head spin!

Anyway, on to the reading. I sat down with McNae's early-ish on Friday morning full of optimism (the only way you should be ahead of something completely new) and parts of it were very interesting and easy to remember e.g. criminal and civil law and solicitors and barristers. On the other hand, some parts are not so easy to get your head around, (mostly stuff involving the EU!) Mainly because it seems so wishy washy, in terms of there being 'directives' imposed on the UK by the EU - does this mean that they are only advisory or are they there secretly to thwart a journalist's attempt at writing a story?  Who knows.

What I do know is that in the UK journalists are the eyes and ears of the public, there is no real freedom of expression and that barristers are definitely not solicitors!

TB 2011

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