Year One - Semester Two (HCJ1)
Lecture 1: Intro
Some brief-ish info about the Greek philosophers
Seminar 1
Lecture 2: Hobbes and Locke
Hobbes's Leviathan, or is it Hobbes' Leviathan?
Seminar 2.
Lecture 3: Science
Seminar Paper on Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz (inc. Lecture 4.)
Lecture 5: David Hume
Lecture 6: Rousseau
Test notes
Year One - Semester Two (HCJ2)
Lecture 1: A tale of 2 revolutionaries
Seminar 1
Lecture 2: Kant and Hegel
Seminar 2
Lecture 3: Come the revolution!
Seminar 3.
Lecture 4: Dreyfus Affair and J'Accuse
Seminar Paper. Nationalism and the Jews.
Lecture 5: Max Weber
Year Two - Semester One (HCJ3)
Lecture 1: Science
Lecture 2: Karl Popper
Lecture 3: Economics
Seminar paper: Keynes General Theory of Economics and Marxist Economics.
Lecture 4: Nietzsche
Seminar 4: Bentham, Mill and Schopenhauer
Lecture 5: Freud
Seminar 5: Freud
Year Two - Semester Two (HCJ4)
Lecture1/Notes: Phenomenology/Existentialism
Seminar 1 - Freud, Husserl, Heidegger and Satre
Lecture 2/Notes: Numbers and Frege
Seminar 2 - Mill, Pierce and Frege
Lecture 3: Existentialism
Lecture 4: Bureaucracy and the New Industrial State
Seminar 4 - Existentialism and Economics
Lecture 5: Totalitarianism
Lecture 6: The New Journalism