Here is a 'cut out and keep' guide on how to conduct successful radio interviews.
The two most important things to remember are:
1: Know how to use the equipment.
2: Ask good questions.
There are other things you should do for conducting succesful radio interviews.
1: Make sure the equipment is recording.
2: Make sure the equipment has enough power and if unsure, take spare batteries.
3: Don't move the microphone too much - this will distort the recording.
4: If using a Marantz, plug the microphone in the correct socket.
5: Don't keeping pausing the recording, the 'nothingness' can be edited out.
6: A quiet room isn't always the best place to record - you may want some background noises.
7: Avoid rooms with echo, although you may want it sometimes.
8: Avoid heavy traffic noises.
9: Try to shelter the microphone from the wind e.g. try and use a fluffy microphone.
10: Hold the microphone close to the interviewee and yourself when it's noisy in background.
11: Interviews should seem like unscripted chats.
12: Listen to the answers given.
13: Ask simple questions.
14: Avoid closed questions.
15: Nod during an interview, don't speak - this could ruin the interview.
16: Do research before interview.
17: Be polite and stay in control of the interview
TB 2012
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